The Red Tent

The Sacred Forgotten Rite of Womanhood

Dear women,

Welcome to the Red Tent. 

The Red Tent is the forgotten sacred rite of womanhood. Aeons ago women used to cycle together with the moon and in sisterhood. Time spent in the Red Tent during menstruation was celebrated!

Not long ago, the women gathered together. The Red Tent is a space to do just that: to celebrate, to share, to come and rest - to enjoy rituals from various faiths and traditions. Whether that is working with your moon blood, your womb, water, oils or other forms of holistic healing, this is a safe space for women.

Let's keep the memory of the Goddess within us alive!

  • "Maxime is a beautiful facilitator. She guides from the heart with strong knowledge. She creates a beautiful space with a divine energy. We feel welcome, safe and heard. I am very grateful to have taken part in this powerful Red Tent. Thank you Maxime."


  • "Maxime creates a beautiful safe space to both learn and openly share without judgement. She not only shares her knowledge, but also practises to do as a group and that you can take home to connect with your cycle. Her energy and gentle presence allows everyone to feel at home. I highly recommend!"


  • “Maxime came and facilitated a private Red Tent at my home. What an amazing experience! I really felt the deepening energetics as I entered the lovingly prepared womb she had created and our journey through sacred witnessing of the blood & menstrual memories was powerful and cleansing. The deep emotion that the oracle cards stirred in me was lovingly held by Maxime and I felt safe to express myself and fully supported. Thank you for bringing yourself to this work with such grace and beauty beloved.”
