What is the Red Tent?

The Red Tent is both a physical and metaphysical space where women used to gather during their moon time (menses). Once Young girls reached a mature age and began their FIRST bleed, they were celebrated and welcomed into the red tent.

men and women respected the sacred rite of the blood, the time between the world and shedding of cycles (internal and external) each month.

Women were revered for their power and widsom. Often in those “Dream tent” women would receive direct INSTRUCTIONS or symbols from SPIRIT and relay this to the tribe.

Around the world there are still INDIGENOUS cultures that practise the sacred rite of initiation, the celebration from girl- to womanhood.

And so do we.

Women, your blood, your womb, fertility, sexual force and intuitive wisdom are so needed and welcome, in the red tent and the world.

Aho, ahava, SAT Nam.

Maxime 🌹

Pillars of the red tent:

~ Share from the Womb & the Heart

~ Listen profoundly

~ Confidentiality

~ Sacred Accountability

~ No advertising of products or services unless agreed

(this is not a market place, but a sacred temple space!)


What you will find in the red tent:

~ A place to be seen and heard

~ A group of women with aligned values of Love, Peace and Harmony

~ Holistic practises to help you with your moon cycle

~ Answers to: What is a Red Tent? How to create a Red Tent, in your community, at home?

~ Learn how to listen with your womb, your heart and really trust your intuition

~ Work with your body vessel to support yourself during your menstruation

~ Herstory of the Red Tent

~ Sharing of materials on how you can deepen your practice.





Safe Space


Authentic Sharing




Rewriting Our Story


Active Listening


Honouring Women




Confidentiality 〰️ Witnessing 〰️ Safe Space 〰️ Authentic Sharing 〰️ Accountability 〰️ Rewriting Our Story 〰️ Active Listening 〰️ Honouring Women 〰️ Sisterhood 〰️

An Ode to the Womb

Your womb tells stories of the present, the past and what is yet to come. 

Your womb is an ancient secret keeper, a keeper of keys.

She is the seer of the future and a welcome vouyer of what occurs beyond the veils.

More than ever now, she’d like to share with you the stories of ancient priestesses and their rituals of the sacred rites of the womb. 

Your sisters of the heart and spirit, praying under the full moon, gathering in circle by the fire, chanting the names of their ancestors and wailing sounds of wisdom and remembrance from the depths of their deep inner gnosis through cosmic frequency.

If you’d only listen, your womb would share with you how you once convened in temple, and merged with the fertile Earth in conscious consecration. She’d like to tell you about the wise women of the Red Tent, who predicted floods, droughts and invasions from the cosmic information contained in the consistency of their moon blood.  She would share with you her ancient knowledge of being an alchemical vessel of love and transmutation. 

An energetic master. 

An alchemist. 

She would show you how you and your sisters once anointed the third eye of babies and men in blessing with your monthly moon; sacred elixir that flows between your thighs…

Those who honoured this sacred rite were protected by Divine right.

Health, wealth and blessings came to those who respected the blood, who honoured the sacredness of your moon flow: a cyclical birth with each moonly release… A time for rest, creation, dreaming, rejuvenation and sacred implementation of your holy visions of divine instruction. 

The DNA of your ancestors is ingrained in the flesh of your womb.

When you (alchemically) drink from your blood, you drink from your mothers, and her mothers; you drink from Mary’s (Mari), Eve’s (Aeva’s), Sophia’s and the Magdalene’s. You drink of Yahweh in the alchemical passing of knowledge and expansion of consciousness – your womb a disciple and actor of the collective Akasha

The information and education, of all times, through space and time – accessible between your legs. 

This warm sacrament, the holy consistency of life itself. 

As the gateway of potent medicine of ancient future time, your womb in a cosmic star map, a navigation system, a time traveller to all known and unknown dimensions.

Your womb is a divine communication system, intended for interstellar communication. 

Upon your will you may meet your cosmic guides and be taken to places beyond your comprehension, for the human mind not to grasp and conceptualise, but to feel and to experience, like is the home of feminine wisdom.

The Source of All There Is gave humankind the womb as a tool for cosmic connection within and without, to create life that is to be anchored here on Earth with divine love and intention. 

Your womb is a healer, a restorer of the most sacred parts of yourself. 

The womb will bring clarity and a return of true love and justice to Earth.

Returning the blood to Earth as an offering, is a sacred act of holy union with the Mother planet.

Your womb is a pleasure seeker. Shakti fire burns for alchemical creation inside your bones. She creates life Herself, ultimate homemaker, the woman: the cradle of communities – the center point of creation, exit-stop upon the infinite milky way

You have the capability to bathe in an orgasm of ideas and execute your holy visions at sovereign will.

Your womb, a cosmic idea-pod receiving and transmitting enlightened, enlivened cells, always; your personal divinity sparking connections of holy matrimony with each and every single organism around you.

Man too, has the chance to create consciously with and through a woman. 

To the womb, the fertile soil, the man offers his sea-men for his vision of the world, for his ideas to take root and manifest into creation past conception. 

Seed to Soil.

Soil to the Seed. 

Through the garden of our hearts we wander and water buds of sorrow, love and passion – and hope they blossom into flowers – a paradise, a jungle – for the heart and soul hand-in-hand to stroll.

One must enter in complete alignment and consent for new dimensions to shift into a positive reality. 

If dishonoured, the womb will rebel. She will unconsciously take on the patterning of the perpetrator and their previous partners. As the alchemical wishing-well which she is, that which was done unto Her will come to pass again and again into creation through the woman as an empty vessel, whether she understands this fully or not.

All is not lost

The womb can rebirth herself every month, and so can you with conscious intention and affirmation.

When man and woman come together in divine union as purified vessels through pure heart intention, magic happens

Time shape-shifts, a multitude of worlds blend into one. 

Spirits conceived in holy hieros gamos possess a great destiny and are blessed beyond divinity. They will do great healing in the world.

One day your womb will be part of your futures past, your daughters and their daughters, woven into a ultimate web of other wombs of light; 

the Flower of eternal Life.

Your womb is connected to all wombs of life forming the spiral of creation and extinction that is the universe. 

The gateway of life and death speaks many languages encoded in cellular format, which can be heard clearly, in silence. 


She whispers to you. 

Place one hand on your heart.

Another on your womb (space).

Really listen into the stillness and the silence.




© Maxime Lichtenberg

Love, an unquantifiable force is the answer.

It´s presence or the absence of it dictates the course of the world.

What Women’s Circles have taught me

first published on www.maxilichtenberg.com in 2016

The divine feminine is re-awakening all over the globe. Women are being shaken to awaken to their true path (whatever that may be), in a world where we have been masculinised in order to be and work like men do (and still not reap the traditional benefits of mere equality). We are currently (and have been for some time) experiencing a global remembrance, often sparked by curiosity or more emotionally triggering experiences. Of course some have been on this path for a long time. In fact, it never left. However, a great benefit of the digital age is the opportunity to connect in virtual temple spaces, share messages through video and photo sharing. The bond between women has the potential to be simply unbreakable. In an ancestral sense, it truly is unbreakable. This might not be obvious information to you, in a society where women have been conditioned to compete for the attention of men or against each other. We might simply recognise in what ways women usually come together in this modern world: we often carry around the stigma of going to the bathroom together, or you might begin to witness the women in your family preparing meals together. Or even how, when a female colleague walks into the meeting room, or onto public transport at night, you feel instantly relaxed. Yes sisters, that is that sacred bond. Here are some heart shares of what I encountered and learned in my personal journey embracing other women, and my own, inner woman.

The first time I experienced a “women’s circle”, was about four years ago. How mystic, I thought. At a beautiful venue in London, where like-minded individuals shared space, healing, music and good vibes. We lit some candles, shared a song and were read some poetry. We held each other by our hands, danced, laughed and shared plenty. I only experienced this circle two or three times, as our busy schedules quickly demanded our rational attention. This disconnection with the busy city and not being in circle with these sisters did not sit comfortably with me. It had nothing to do with the sisters who grew apart, but it was my inner knowing of how right it felt to connect with women in a deep and profound way. I wanted more. Fast forward to years later. I am part of a global sisterhood. And I have never felt better about and in myself.

The Strength of Being Vulnerable

You might have heard or experienced that by getting out of your personal comfort zone, you will experience emotional growth. And you might also have heard of the disillusion that vulnerability is “weak”, and belongs to the “always victimised and weaker gender”. I invite you to see past this white noise coming from outside, distracting you from allowing yourself to really feel into the depth of your emotions. Your emotions, and the messages they carry, are a gift. You are truly your greatest healer. Your emotions are valid, and speak on a more, grander and cosmic level, to all. By sharing your inner workings, you are showing yourself the respect you deserve. You might be breaking habitual patterns in which you were shut down, either by your inner critic or by others. The medicine that comes from you, is available at all times. It is simply about recognising that you hold the greatest power within yourself – it is not somewhere “out there”, with someone else. It is here now, inside of you.

The Beauty of Being Witnessed

Sharing your sacred, inner essence self, and your emotional wounding in a circle of women is challenging. Again, there are no rules here and you truly serve the circle by honouring yourself first. If you do feel called to share a personal anecdote or emotion, you are stepping onto the path of self-healing. Asking for witnessing is a huge initiatory process in the journey to self-love. Where are you demanding to be seen, Beloved?

Learning How to Hold Space

What does it mean, to “hold space”? I invite you to take a breath. Sit with this stillness for a moment. You do not need to be a master of meditation. There is not a rational answer or explanation I can give you, but an invitation to try this for yourself. You will feel the energy in the room becoming concentrated with “space” which is for the person to be held, or witnessed, the same way you would do when you listen to someone intently, without interrupting that someone with an ego driven mind. Every heartfelt share, whether it be verbal through words or songs, or sacred silence, is valid. You might even feel the physical space become so concentrated with energy that you might experience something completely unexpected.

Know You Are Never Alone

In this society I feel it is often possible to get trapped in this belief of, “I am alone.” This is an illusion. It is also a concept I used to haunt myself with. I used to tell myself an old, out-dated story of being forever alone in this world. No one would ever love me, because, where are they? What had I done? Why am I here? If you resonate with these words, Beloved, I simply invite you to take a breath. Whether you consciously believe this or not, purposely connecting with people who you wish to see around you can be a major life-changer. Gathering with women, perhaps, was the greatest wake-up call I have ever received. That I never am alone, and never have been. I felt infinitely more connected to myself and other human beings, and from that awareness a bud of self-love bloomed into a thousand petaled lotus of unconditional love for myself.


Women have been brainwashed to “hate their bodies”, “exist to please men”, or complete against each other, are all forms of dishonouring the feminine. These are all distractions from our sacred, ancient remembrance. That intuitive knowing that every woman is your sister, and every man your brother lies dormant, eager to awake. When we begin to connect in deep sisterhood (and perhaps you already have) the simple practise of meeting, listening and sharing space is ritualistic, and may bring the kind balance into your life which you did not know you deeply desired.

Sacred Ceremony

This could be something from your cultural, ancestral roots, or initiating and valuing your sacred me-time. When I began connecting more with my feminine self (without knowing that this was what I was doing, that realisation came later), sacred “me-time” was the most profound action I could allow myself to experience. From consciously deciding to spend time by myself, my honouring self-practise began by lighting a candle, and treating my hair with coconut oil. “Treating”, sounds far too clinical, actually. Massaging, loving, caressing, would be more suitable terms to describe how I was taking care of my hair. This was only the beginning of many more self care practises I was about to discover. And so simple. By determining my sacred space, I enjoyed the quiet time I had (and continue to have) to myself and my temple body. Sacred “me-time” allows us to treat ourselves how we wish to be treated, and in even larger ceremonial practises, to dive deep into our subconscious selves.


I am more free and have a choice of experiencing freedom in a completely new way. I speak my truth more authentically, choose my words carefully, and set boundaries, wether this be in personal relationships or work related. All in all, I am in closer alignment to my inner nature. This liberation of the “Self” also comes with a deep remembering and enjoyment of ancient traditions and wisdom of divine sisterhood, and whatever honouring practise these circles may have served throughout time.


Learning to listen in silence, or better: “shushing the ego”. Often when women come together we rejoice so much we want to share all of our happiness and issues we have in common. While this is beautiful, women circles allow you to step into the silence of the mind and your senses, and challenges you to provide your listening skills without judgement or comparison. Most of the time it is enough for people to hear that they have a sacred space to express themselves. There is no need here to give advice (unless specifically being asked to!). By listening to your elders, and youngsters, you will be able to practise your open ear, and open heart. We truly can learn from anyone. I love being guided by a new mentor, and those which I have, I hold very dear to my heart. Working with young people and children has taught me so much about the societal shift we are experiencing globally about gender roles, and nothing compares to feeling proud of your younger sisters expressing their independent authentic truth and (emotional) intelligence. And breaking stigmas and embracing each other with Love is so much fun than comparison or judgement!

Friends and a Support System for a Lifetime

I knew this even before I experienced it. And I haven’t even lived to the end of my days yet, so how would I know? Even if you decide it is time for your to move on, you may gain trusted, long-lasting and impactful friendships. Outside of the circle, your sisters and you might even have little to nothing in common. But what you do share is profound notion of respect for one-another: if you share personal opinions or not, like with anyone else, they may differ. However, I guarantee you their advice or opinion will be beneficial to your own. You will be surprised how willing you may find yourself to listen to others outside of a sisterhood, as well.


Ask you self this: what would it feel like to let go of all your anger, all of the resentment you carry within yourself? All of those memories and emotions which make you sick – what if you had “tools”, the capability within yourself to make them go away? And at that, to have a group of loving women around you supporting you, listening to you, and by non-judgement allowing everything that needs to come to presence, unfold? Letting go of resentment, is huge, personal liberation. Emotional resentment, which we may often hold onto strongly against our mothers, or female friends who we have felt have wronged us, it is important to realise that they were acting to their best knowledge. That you and them are equally responsible for co-creating your reality. Whilst you align to your highest good, everything in your environment will adjust to the energy you are exuding from your energetic pores.

Unconditional Love

Learning what “Love” really means. I have been completely shaken by this one. I did not know what Love meant until I grew in these women’s circles like a seed being nurtured by my sister seeds, sharing the same homely soil. Love, to me, is the complete acceptance of myself and not seeing myself separate from others. It is not the conventionally portrayed version of “love” is, which may be misconstrued in the dogma of, by “doing this or that” you will receive “love” or some form of self-gratification. It is so much more. And the road to love might be particularly difficult for you. Frankly, I would be if surprised if it has not been (or is) a tumultuous journey. Perhaps you are not there yet. Know that that is okay. Know that it is okay to never need to know what this really means. I can invite you to separate yourself from the belief that love is something to be achieved: it just is. Disassociate yourself from the word, as Love is not literal. It is something to experienced, and in its raw-est form – it is you.

All these experiences teach us how and where we may still judge ourselves, and what barriers we have build within us hindering the complete love for ourselves and the world. A women`s circle does not need a name. In this point in time, it seems like it is not the norm for women to share, connect and love each other, as is our nature. Truth be told, women’s circles never left. Now they might have a name of “women’s circle”, to introduce a sacred space for women, apart from millennia of tyrannical supremacy, which is coming to an end as we “wake-up.” It is only an illusion: the idea that women have not always been there supporting you, raising you, nourishing you and loving you. Who have you come here to serve? By serving yourself to your highest good you are serving and healing everybody else at the same time. There is not more you need to do. There is nothing to “achieve”. We are more alike than we thought possible, and mirror an exquisite variety and uniqueness of gifts.

Listen In

I’ve recorded some of my poetry and published it on Soundcloud which you may listen to for free. Enjoy.

Maxime x